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Previous Post If #PhysEd is #notjustgym, then what is it? At @CPAHighSchool it looks like leadership development thru fitness (gr11) & community (gr12), like Martial Arts & yoga & dance, like Physically Active Living, like Phys Ed for males & females. It’s learning that connects students to health, to knowing their own bodies & passions as athletes & contributors to sport, recreation, performing arts, community building, etc, etc. It means supporting students to apply a coachable mindset to other classes & areas of study AND to learn from a place of physical & mental health in community with others. Teachers like Ms. Bucci & Ms. Harris (pictured), Mr. Allen, Mr. Harris, Ms. Stanley, Mr. MacNab & others show students how to engage all parts of yourself in living a full & healthy life. That’s some SERIOUS impact! 🏅🏽🏾🏼#nsed #nspoli