Why do teachers wear pink on pink shirt day?

Why do teachers wear pink on pink shirt day? We remind ourselves colleagues that making schools safe & supportive places of work & learning is a shared process, AND our students see that we are safe, supportive allies that help create space & culture every student can belong in. Hearty salute to all my @NSTeachersUnion siblings, @PSAANS colleagues, TA/EA/EPA, office admin & custodial teammates who share this work everyday to #stepup4students! #nsed

Why do teachers wear pink on pink shirt day?

We remind ourselves colleagues that making schools safe & supportive places of work & learning is a shared process, AND our students see that we are safe, supportive allies that help create space & culture every student can belong in.

Hearty salute to all my @NSTeachersUnion siblings, @PSAANS colleagues, TA/EA/EPA, office admin & custodial teammates who share this work everyday to #stepup4students! #nsed

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