#withwozney for NSTU President

This is an odd time to be campaigning for re-election!

With school visits ruled out (a smart, responsible decision by the Provincial Executive!) and many Locals moving to Zoom based Local meetings this fall, both for public health reasons, this campaign will rely heavily on virtual presence and interaction.

For those interested in displaying your support for my re-election, here’s a profile pic you can use on social media.If you’re posting in support, please consider using #withwozney when you do.

My focus remains on providing sound, effective, strong leadership for NSTU members and public education. I believe that’s the kind of campaigning members truly expect and can support.

Always happy to hear from and interact with members to be able to do the best job possible.

Feel free to follow/reach out at:

FB: @withwozney
Twitter: @withwozney
Instagram: @withwozney
Email: pwwozney@nstu.ca

Thanks all!

#withwozney for Strength to Advocate: voice before position

NSTU members are looking for a president with the ability to advocate for public education and our profession with passion, insight and clarity in a variety of ways. As our public spokesperson, this role is the most visible one our president delivers and arguably the most important.

So, how can members know what type of spokesperson they are getting when they cast a vote? I’m a big believer that the past record of a candidate is the best predictor of their future performance.

I’m proud to offer NSTU members a prominent, effective record of speaking up for members’ interests in many ways. Members can vote with confidence not only because of how I have spoken, written and communicated via social media since I first took on an elected role with the Halifax County Local in 2016.

Members can vote with confidence because I spoke out long before I had any union position to speak of.

Teachers want a place at the table
(Information Morning from CBC Radio Nova Scotia, November 2015)

READER’S CORNER: Teachers’ No sign of deep malaise in education system (The Chronicle Herald, December 13, 2015)

A vote with Wozney isn’t one you cast in hopes that I will suddenly develop strong skills as a spokesperson.

It’s one you cast knowing full well that the voice you elect never feared repercussions from the employer without the safety of a union position, and whose voice has been raised intelligently and effectively for an extended period. No need for voter’s remorse on May 23- for Strength to Advocate, elect Paul Wozney.